AI tools we’d like to see in 2025

T’is the time of year for bold predictions to surface. You bet you’re going to see a lot of thought leadership pieces tricking you into thinking that mere mortals can imagine what AI can achieve before Santa' returns in 2025.

I’m everyday more convinced of my own limitations so I won’t be so brave. Instead, I wanted to list some tools I’d like to see rolling out of the labs of the powerhouses.

  1. The You’re On Mute bot
    You’re in a video call with clients and colleagues and about to say we should circle back to this point, but the AI knows you’re on mute. So, it whispers in your earpiece, hey, you’re on mute before a human has to waste their words.

  2. The Background Saver bot
    Before your next video call starts, the bot checks your background for embarrassing objects and books. And then replaces them with book titles and objects that will make you look like the super human intellectual you aspire to be.

  3. The Catcher Upper bot
    This bot is for those who are interminably late for a meeting. Once they join, usually 20 minutes and just before they ask: “hey, what did I miss?” - the bot will give them a summary. So we can all get on with our lives.

  4. The LinkedIn Subtitler bot
    We all know the story. You’re in a call with a bunch of people. Typing all their names into LinkedIn can be so time consuming. With this bot, supers with their names, titles and experience floats under their faces. For extra bonus, you can check their other social profiles and see how good their meme game really is.

  5. The Celebrate The Meeting bot
    Some meetings are good. Some are tough. Whichever way, some just needs to be celebrated with some cool merch. Been to that meeting, got the T-shirt. This bot will take a memorable and insightful input and turn it into art, have it printed and sent to all participants for posterity.


Your brain thinks AI gets you. It doesn’t.


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